BSS Book Club: Little Women

I’ve got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen.”
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women


The beloved novel, by Louisa May Alcott, centers around the March family during the trying times of the Civil War.  Mr. March has gone off to fight for the North while Mrs. March (or Marmee as their daughters call her) has her hands full with four daughters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.  The March sisters get up to all sorts of antics while trying to navigate life as young women, especially when Jo makes friends with the new neighbor boy, Laurie.  Follow each sister’s journey through society, love, and life with an emphasis on Jo’s journey and view on things.

MY TWO CENTS (may contain spoilers)

Little Women is one of my all time favorite novels.  Growing up there weren’t as many novels about women in everyday situations like there are starting to pop up now.  So finding a book, even a classic, where the story centers around a young woman, let alone four sisters.

Every time I read this book I pick up more and more of what it means to be a good person and a woman of character.  Jo’s mother and father hold strict ethics in their family on how to do things.  This, for Jo, becomes a bit of a burden and she longs to step out of her family’s ideals and push the boundaries of what it means to be a young woman with an occupation.

I love Jo’s internal struggle throughout the book, but just like most, I really do wish that she and Teddy could have figured out a way to be together.  Growing up, Jo was my favorite because she is a bit of a tom boy and never feels like she fits in with the expectations of what society deems to be appropriate for a woman.  I too felt that way for a long time, and characters like Jo March really helped me cope with feelings of confusion as to why I didn’t enjoy stereotypical girl things (now I’m a total girly girl…for the most part, for those of you who are wondering).

A perfect read for anytime of the year, but especially around the holidays.  I highly recommend Little Women to anyone and it makes a great gift to a young woman in your life.  Trust me, there is a sister for everyone’s personality.

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